Tuesday 15 April 2008


I'm delighted to announce that I've sold a story to a forthcoming anthology called Nemonymous 8 (subtitled CONE ZERO). I can't for the moment reveal the name or length of the story - as I'll come to in a minute - but I'm especially pleased as the book will be edited by the legendary DF Lewis, a favourite writer of mine for many years.

The Nemonymous books are unique in the publishing field because they don't have the story name and the author by-line attached at the time of publication. The book simply lists the titles of the tales and a random order of authors and the reader is left to his own devices to decide which writer created which story. The first five editions of the anthology had the authors names ONLY revealed in the following anthology.

This prevents any bias towards 'name' writers, and should mean the stories stand by merit. The tales (of which there will be 14 in CONE ZERO) will be correctly assigned to the respective author in approx 8 months time, and in the proposed Nemonymous 9. One other point to mention is that the only theme in the guideline was a preference for the story to be called CONE ZERO, but all other content to be the writer's own.

Now that's a loose theme, one that should guarantee a variety of stories. I'm very exited to be contributing to this.

You can find out more by going to www.nemonymous.com/

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